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Books on FOI
General FOI books

Birkinshaw, P (2001) Freedom of Information (Law in Context S.) Lexis- Nexis. Order from Amazon.

Birkisnshaw (2005) Government and Information - the Law Relating to Access, Disclosure and Their Regulation. Tottel Publishing. Order from Amazon.

Brooke (2004) Your Right to Know: How to Use the Freedom of Information Act and Other Access Laws. Pluto. Excellent starting point for newcomers to the Act, clear language - written from a user perspective. Order from Amazon

Macdonald, J and Jones, C (2002) The law detailed of Freedom of information. Oxford UNiversity Press. Very detailed legal text. Order from Amazon

Roberts, A (2005) Blacked out: government secrecy in the information age. Camrbridge Univeristy Press. Order from Amazon

Smith, K (2004) Freedom of Information: A Practical Guide to Implementing the Act. Facet. General overview of the Act and discussion of implmentation issues from a records management perspective.  Order from Amazon

Straker, T and Coppel, P (2004) Information Rights: Law and Practice. Sweet and Maxwell. Order from Amazon.

Taylor, L (2004) Freedom of Information: Working Towards Compliance. Chandos. Order from Amazon.

Turle, M (2005) Freedom of Information Manual. Sweet and Maxwell. Order from Amazon. NEW

Wadham, J and Griffiths, J (2005) Blackstone's Guide to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Oxford University Press. Succint overview of the UK Act. Order from Amazon.

Wood, S (2005) Comlpying with freedom of information legislation: a guide for practitioners. Order from FreePint


Books on Open Governement

Hennessy, P (2003) The Secret State: Whitehall and the Cold War. Penguin. Order from Amazon.

McDonald, A and Terrill, G (Eds)(1998) Open Government: Freedom of Information and Privacy . Palgrave Macmillan. Order from Amazon.

Platten, S (2003) Open Government: What Should We Really Know?
Canterbury Press. Order from Amazon.

Useful Information Management Books

Chaffey, D and Wood, S (2005) Business Information management. FT/Prentice hall. Order from Amazon.

Higson, C and Nokes, S (2004) The Information Audit: And Information Asset Register - A Practitioner's Guide for the Freedom of Information ACT. Rivington. Order from Amazon.


Orna, L (2004) Information Strategy in Practice, Gower. Order from Amazon.

Yeo, G and Shepherd, S (2002) Managing Records: A Handbook of Principles and Practice. Facet. Order from Amazon.

Wood, S (2004) Information auditing: a guide for information manager. Freepint. Order from Freepint.

Investigative journalism related to FOI

Cahill, K (2002) Who Owns Britain . Cannongate. Order from Amazon.

Monbiot, G (2001) Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain. Pan . Order from Amazon.

Palast, G (2003) The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: An Investigative Reporter Exposes the Truth About Globalization, Corporate Cons and High Finance Fraudsters.   Constable and Robinson. Order from Amazon. ><

Sampson, A (2005) Who Runs This Place?: The Anatomy of Britain in the 21st Century. John Murray. Order from Amazon.  



Open Government: a journal on Freedom of Information. A peer reviewed journal run by Steve Wood at Liverpool John Moores University.