Tuesday, November 08, 2005

FOI User group

I've made some enquiries about the user group the DCA are setting up, membership is fixed at present and it seems hard to find out if there is an application process. So far I've been told: "Membership for the User Group is fixed for the moment. However, vacancies will arise in the future."

I've received the following after a request:

-Letter explaining about the group::user_letter.doc

-Terms of Reference: user_tor.doc

Contrast this to the Scottish approach

As a point of comparison Ireland have several networks for users.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

A) How hilarious that the unit responsible for openness does not have a more transparent process for identifying and selecting potential members. Wait until after the first meeting when it has all been decided? What a joke! Where are their selection criteria, what is the application process, who decides? No sign of learning from the Food Standards Agency on involvement of stakeholders, let alone from Scotland or Ireland.

B) Mixing users of FOI in with suppliers of information to public authorities is an interesting move. On the one hand, it will be good for each side to hear each other's perspective on things, on the other, it increases the range of issues where consensus will not reached and the government is not receiving a clear 'user' voice. A cynic might suggest this is actually the intent.