Friday, March 17, 2006

The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill

The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill has not received much press but the New Politics Network have a useful briefing paper outlining some of the risks of the legislation that could allow the Government to amend legislation with much less scrutiny. The Bill is part of the better regulation agenda. (See Cabinet Office pages)

Read the New Politics Network Briefing (PDF)

House of Commons Libary Research Paper:(PDF)
"Under the provisions of the Regulatory Reform Act 2001, the Government can propose regulatory reform orders, which allow statute law to be amended by delegated rather than primary legislation. The Government has acknowledged that the Act was “constitutionally ground breaking”.

1 comment:

Serf said...

The fact that a bill that could introduce numerous new regulations is part of The Better Regulation effort is somewhat ironic.

We are urging everyone to write to their MPs.