Monday, August 06, 2007

FOI: Administrative Impact

A uncorrected transcript of the evidence given recently by Richard Thomas (Information Commissioner), Graham Smith (Deputy Information Commissioner) and Maurice Frankel (Campaign for Freedom of Information) to the Public Administration Select Committee has been published.
"Q1 Chairman:...What we are particularly interested in is some of the discussion that has surfaced about whether the conduct of central government is being compromised and inhibited by the FOI regime as it is developing. As you know, we have had sight of this letter that was leaked by Alistair Darling, now Chancellor of the Exchequer, who says, writing to Charles Falconer, who was then Lord Chancellor, "As you know, we are increasingly concerned that in a number of respects the demands of the Freedom of Information Act are placing good government at risk." That, I think, is the proposition that we would like to test with you for an hour or so this afternoon."
Read the transcript.

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