Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Using the FOI Act - courses for new & experienced requesters

Do you want to learn how to use the Freedom of Information Act? Are you already using the Act, but want to know more about how the Information Commissioner and Information Tribunal are interpreting its key provisions?

The Campaign for Freedom of Information is running a training course for FOI requesters in central London on Thursday 16 June 2011. The course is divided into two parts. The morning session will provide an introduction to the legislation covering both the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations. The afternoon session will be more advanced and will examine some of the key decisions made under the two regimes and explain how they can help you obtain information. We think most people will benefit from attending the whole day, but experienced requesters may prefer to attend just the afternoon.

Further information and details on how to book a place are available here.

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